kim mack rosenberg, ESQ
Kim Mack Rosenberg is Children’s Health Defense’s general counsel. She also maintains a N.J.-based private practice representing clients nationwide on health freedom and vaccine issues, as well as healthcare practice management and insurance coverage issues and disputes primarily relating to autism spectrum disorder. She graduated from Carleton College (B.A. in political science) and the Case Western Reserve University School of Law (J.D.), where she served as a Law Review editor.
Kim is a long-time vaccine safety/health freedom advocate, joining this movement as a result of her son’s vaccine injury, and has served in various leadership roles in health freedom/autism/vaccine safety non-profits. Kim has testified before legislatures to retain, restore or expand vaccine exemptions and speaks often on health freedom, autism and insurance-related issues. She has three book credits: Vaccine Epidemic: How Corporate Greed Biased Science and Coercive Government Threaten Our Human Rights Our Health and Our Children (co-editor/chapter author), The HPV Vaccine on Trial: Seeking Justice For A Generation Betrayed (co-author), and The Parent’s Autism Sourcebook (author).
Health Freedom Panel: Three active, effective and inspiring women will be on our panel: Mary Holland, Kim Mack Rosenberg and Leslie Manookian. Much has changed over the past five years regarding our concerns and understanding about our health freedoms. Our panelists will address questions such as: what have been the biggest legal successes and the biggest disappointments? What are the most pressing health freedom related issues that need to be addressed? Are there any current legal challenges you’ve mounted that you’re able to discuss? What are some things we can do to help?